A way of life

Rammed earth and stonewalls as an alternative to concrete masonry.

Rammed earth is created by compressing subsoil into a form

We need to move away from the use of concrete en mass in construction, and I hope to incorporate more sustainable materials in my designs. This 3D section is of a rammed earth wall, supported by a stone foundation wall with a concrete footing, and covered by a timber and galvanized zinc roof. None of these materials are new. Rammed earth has been used for centuries and many human civilizations over millennia. It creates a wall of high compressive strength without the use of carbon intensive processes. Stone (limestone) is a traditional Jamaican building material, and stonewalls feature heavily in many of our historical vernacular buildings. Vernacular architecture is the kind that is made using local materials, skills and is a product of an architectural tradition native to that area. Our vernacular architecture is wood, limestone, wattle and daub, clay and bamboo. These are the materials gifted to us by this land we call home.